An Arkansas Rental Application Form is a document designed to enable landlords or their agents evaluate the suitability of prospective tenants for a rental contract in the state of Arkansas. The questions on the rental template have been so structured that the credit, employment, and current and past rental records of applicants can be collected and reviewed to determine the identity of the applicant as well as to establish the capacity of the intending tenant to pay the monthly rents as at when due.
The rent law in Arkansas permit landlords or their agents to charge a fee for the background checks. However, before the information supplied on the Application Form can be used for verification purposes, the applicant must fill out all the sections and it must be duly signed with date by the intending tenant.
How to Fill an Arkansas Rental Application Form
On the first two lines on the rental application form, create spaces for the address of the property and the monthly rent.
Personal Information
The applicant has to write their name, date of birth, social security number, phone number, email address, and the name of the prospective guarantor to intending tenant. If no prospective guarantor was available as at the time of filling out the form, the applicant should indicate none.
Tenant’s Previous Occupancy History
The Tenant needs to fill in the present and previous addresses where they used or are currently staying. The name and phone number of landlord, street name and number, town/city, state and zip code, monthly rent and the duration of residing in the property must be supplied in this section. You may also want to know the reason the tenant is moving away from this residence to a new one.
Under Employment History
The tenant has to fill in the information regarding current and previous employers, position on the job in each case, monthly salary in each case, addresses of current and previous employers and their phone numbers as well as the name and phone number of applicant’s supervisor at each of the workplaces.
Under Other Information Regarding the Applicant
The applicant has to supply information such as driver’s license, state of issuance, date of expiration of the license, name and address of applicant’s bank, bank phone number, bank account numbers – indicate whether checking or savings account. The applicant should also supply credit card number, and any other sources of income including stocks, bonds and rentals. The amount of these additional income must be stated on the form. The name and phone number of the person to be contacted in case of an emergency must be stated on the application form.
The prospective tenant must sign and date the Application Form to serve as consent that the landlord should proceed with the background checks with the information provided on the form.
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